Validation of profile simulation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import epoch_folding_search
from stingray.pulse.modeling import fit_gaussian
from shapely.geometry import LineString
# from tatpulsar.pulse.fold import cal_event_gti
from tatpulsar.utils.functions import cal_event_gti
from tatpulsar.pulse import search
from tatpulsar.pulse import fold, search
from tatpulsar.pulse.fold import phihist
from import Profile
from tatpulsar.utils.functions import *
import seaborn as sns
from import fits
import warnings
import matplotlib as mpl
import glob
%matplotlib inline
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15,10)
# sns.set_context('talk')
# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# sns.set_palette("colorblind")['science', 'nature', 'no-latex'])
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 250
import warnings
/Users/tuoyouli/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.
import pandas.util.testing as tm
/Users/tuoyouli/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/stingray/ UserWarning: Large Datasets may not be processed efficiently due to computational constraints
"Large Datasets may not be processed efficiently due to "
/Users/tuoyouli/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/stingray/ UserWarning: pyfftw not installed. Using standard scipy fft
warnings.warn("pyfftw not installed. Using standard scipy fft")
/Users/tuoyouli/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/stingray/ UserWarning: pyfftw not installed. Using standard scipy fft
warnings.warn("pyfftw not installed. Using standard scipy fft")
/Users/tuoyouli/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/stingray/ UserWarning: pyfftw not installed. Using standard scipy fft
warnings.warn("pyfftw not installed. Using standard scipy fft")
WARNING (pint.logging ): <class 'RuntimeWarning'> nopython is set for njit and is ignored
/Users/tuoyouli/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pint/ RuntimeWarning: nopython is set for njit and is ignored
warn_(message, *args, **kwargs)
WARNING (pint.logging ): <class 'RuntimeWarning'> nopython is set for njit and is ignored
WARNING (pint.logging ): <class 'RuntimeWarning'> nopython is set for njit and is ignored
Modelling Crab pulsar profile
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting, custom_model
# Define model
def sum_of_gaussians(x, baseline=0,
amplitude1=1., mean1=-1., sigma1=1.,
amplitude2=1., mean2=1., sigma2=1.):
funval0 = (amplitude1 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean1) / sigma1)**2) +
amplitude2 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean2) / sigma2)**2))
funval1 = (amplitude1 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean1 - 1) / sigma1)**2) +
amplitude2 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean2 - 1) / sigma2)**2))
funval2 = (amplitude1 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean1 + 1) / sigma1)**2) +
amplitude2 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean2 + 1) / sigma2)**2))
return baseline + funval0 + funval1 + funval2
def double_gauss(phase, profile):
height = np.max(profile) - np.min(profile)
peak = phase[np.argmax(profile)]
mod = sum_of_gaussians(baseline=np.mean(profile),
mean1=peak, mean2=peak + 0.4,
amplitude1=height, amplitude2=height/2,
sigma1=0.02, sigma2=0.02)
def x_1_p_0d4(mod): return mod.mean1 + 0.4
mod.mean2.tied = x_1_p_0d4
fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
newmod = fitter(mod, phase, profile)
fine_phase = np.arange(0, 1, 0.0001)
fine_template = newmod(fine_phase)
additional_phase = fine_phase[np.argmax(fine_template)]
plt.plot(phase, profile)
allph = fine_phase
plt.plot(allph, mod(allph), ls='--')
plt.plot(allph, newmod(allph))
return newmod, additional_phase
def skewed_moffat(x, mean, amplitude, alpham, alphap, beta):
lt0 = (x-mean) < 0
# gt0 = np.logical_not(lt0)
ratio = ((x-mean)/alphap)**2
ratio[lt0] = ((x[lt0]-mean)/alpham)**2
return amplitude * ( 1 + ratio)**(-beta)
# Define model
def sum_of_moffats(x, baseline=0,
amplitude1=1., mean1=0., alpham1=0.05, alphap1=0.05, beta1=1,
amplitude2=1., mean2=0.4, alpham2=0.05, alphap2=0.05, beta2=1):
funval0 = (skewed_moffat(x, mean1, amplitude1, alpham1, alphap1, beta1) +
skewed_moffat(x, mean2, amplitude2, alpham2, alphap2, beta2))
funval1 = (skewed_moffat(x - 1, mean1, amplitude1, alpham1, alphap1, beta1) +
skewed_moffat(x - 1, mean2, amplitude2, alpham2, alphap2, beta2))
funval2 = (skewed_moffat(x + 1, mean1, amplitude1, alpham1, alphap1, beta1) +
skewed_moffat(x + 1, mean2, amplitude2, alpham2, alphap2, beta2))
return baseline + funval0 + funval1 + funval2
# Create light curve
mod = sum_of_moffats(baseline=600,
mean1=0.0, mean2=0.4,
amplitude1=10*33, amplitude2=8*33,
alpham1=0.02, alpham2=0.06, alphap1=0.02, alphap2=0.02)
phases = np.arange(0, 1, 1/1024)
template = mod(phases)
from import Profile
template = Profile(template, cycles=1)
plt.axvline(x=1, ls='--')
plt.errorbar(template.phase, template.counts, ds='steps-mid')
<ErrorbarContainer object of 3 artists>
Draw phase of Photons
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# pro_interp = inter1d(template.phase, template.counts, kind='cubic')
def rejection_sampling(x, y, nphot):
rejection sampling the poisson like signal x-y
x: array-like
Time or Phase array
y: array-like
counts, Poisson distributed
nphot: int
The output amount of sampled photons
binsize = np.median(np.diff(x))
interp_fun = interp1d(np.append(x, x.max()+binsize),
np.append(y, y[0]),
# interp_fun = interp1d(x,
# y,
# kind='cubic')
x_sample = np.random.uniform(x.min(), x.max()+binsize, nphot)
# x_sample = np.random.uniform(x.min(), x.max(), nphot)
yval_x_sample = interp_fun(x_sample) # The corresponding y value of sampled X, according to interplation function
y_sample = np.random.uniform(0, y.max(), nphot) # Sampled y value for each x sampled value
## Reject the value that over the true y value
mask = (y_sample <= yval_x_sample)
return x_sample[mask]
photon_num = 2000000
sample_phase = rejection_sampling(template.phase, template.counts, photon_num)
p = phihist(sample_phase, nbins=100)
# p.norm()
# template.norm()
plt.errorbar(p.phase, p.counts, p.error, label='sampled', ds='steps-mid')
plt.errorbar(template.phase, template.counts, ds='steps-mid', c='r')
# plt.figure(figsize=(3,1))
# plt.errorbar(p.phase, template.counts-p.counts)
<ErrorbarContainer object of 3 artists>
NOTE: The rejection sample of the given model profile is valid! Now let’s take a look at the photon arrival time sampling based on the profile.
Compute arrival time of simulated photons
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
def draw_time_from_phase(phase, tstart, tstop, f0=0, f1=0, f2=0, f3=0, pepoch=0):
sampling the photon arrival time given the phase of each photon
phase: array-like
The phase of each photon, the phase is normalized to [0, 1]
tstart: array-like
The start time to generate arrival time (MJD)
tstop: array-like
The stop time to generate arrival time (MJD)
par: float
The following parameters are pulsar periodic parameters
dt = (tstart - pepoch) * 86400
tstart_phase = f0*dt + 0.5*f1*dt**2 + (1/6.)*f2*dt**3
dt = (tstop - pepoch) * 86400
tstop_phase = f0*dt + 0.5*f1*dt**2 + (1/6.)*f2*dt**3
Npulse_sample = np.random.randint(tstart_phase, tstop_phase, phase.size)
absphase_sample = Npulse_sample + phase
def delta_phi(t, phi0):
dt = (t - pepoch) * 86400
return f0*dt + 0.5*f1*dt**2 + (1/6.)*f2*dt**3 - phi0
def obj_fun(t):
return delta_phi(t, phi)
new_event = np.empty_like(phase)
for idx, phi in enumerate(tqdm(absphase_sample)):
new_event[idx] = brentq(obj_fun, tstart, tstop)
return new_event
from tatpulsar.utils.functions import met2mjd
mjd_tstart = 59000
mjd_tstop = 60000
f0 = 29.6366215666433
f1 = -3.69981e-10
f2 = -8.1e-18
pepoch = 58068
out = draw_time_from_phase(sample_phase,
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1393858/1393858 [00:07<00:00, 198657.71it/s]
from import phihist
from tatpulsar.pulse.fold import cal_phase, fold
# phase = cal_phase(mjd2met(out, 'nicer'), mjd2met(pepoch, 'nicer'), f0, f1=0, f2=0, f3=0, f4=0, format='met', phi0=0)
# real_pro = phihist(phase, nbins=1024, cycles=1)
real_pro = fold(out, pepoch=pepoch, f0=f0, f1=f1, f2=f2, nbins=128, format='mjd')
plt.errorbar(real_pro.phase, real_pro.counts, real_pro.error, label='ME-observed')
# plt.twinx()
plt.errorbar(template.phase, template.counts,
c='r', label='simulated')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fae1a29cad0>
The event list is simulated according to the phase samples, resulting in calculated outcomes. Subsequently, a profile is generated based on this sampled event list, aligning effectively with the template profile. This suggests that the entire simulation process—from the template profile to the photon’s arrival time—is both valid and reliable.
more tests
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from import draw_random_pulse
profile_random = draw_random_pulse(nbins=100, baseline=1000, pulsefrac=0.9)
plt.errorbar(profile_random.phase, profile_random.counts)