%matplotlib inline
from astropy.io import fits
import glob
import wget
import warnings

plt.style.use(['science', 'nature'])
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 250
Using matplotlib backend: <object object at 0x7fe6cd4bc0a0>
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Binary System Analysis

Download Data

First, we use wget to download the data, taking the observation data for Cen X-3 from IXPE as an example. This data has several advantages: - The data size is manageable. - It’s real and publicly available.

The orbital parameter provided by the GBM epoch-folding monitor (https://gammaray.nsstc.nasa.gov/gbm/science/pulsars/lightcurves/cenx3.html)


170.3133 deg


-60.6233 deg

Orbital Period

2.0869953 days

Period Deriv.

-1.0150E-08 days/day

T half pi

2455073.68504 (JED)


39.653 light-sec

Long. of periastron

0.00 deg



# Download the Example Data of IXPE on Cen X-3
!wget -q -nH --no-check-certificate --cut-dirs=5 -r -l0 -c -N -np -R 'index*' -erobots=off --retr-symlinks \
!wget -nH --no-check-certificate --cut-dirs=5 -r -l0 -c -N -np -R 'index*' -erobots=off --retr-symlinks \
--2023-06-20 11:45:07--  https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/ixpe/data/obs/01/01006501/hk/ixpe01006501_all_orb_v07.fits.gz
Resolving heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov (heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov)...
Connecting to heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov (heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 304 Not Modified
File ‘01006501/hk/ixpe01006501_all_orb_v07.fits.gz’ not modified on server. Omitting download.

!ls 01006501/*
ixpe01006501_det1_evt2_v15.fits.gz ixpe01006501_det3_evt2_v15.fits.gz


Barycentric Correction

Next, we use the barycor function from the tatpulsar package to apply a barycentric correction based on the solar system’s center of mass. Please note that for IXPE data, HEAsoft has a dedicated correction program (barycorr). Here, we are demonstrate that tatpulsar package also includes a valid barycentric correction function.

## READ Data
file = glob.glob("./01006501/event_l2/ixpe01006501_det*.fits.gz")
orbit = glob.glob("./01006501/hk/ixpe01006501_all_orb_v07.fits.gz")
time = np.array([])

for evt in file:
    hdulist = fits.open(evt)
    time = np.append(time, hdulist[1].data.field("TIME"))
from tatpulsar.utils.functions import met2mjd, mjd2met
from tatpulsar.pulse.barycor.barycor import barycor


tdb_mjd = barycor(met2mjd(time, telescope='ixpe'),
                  ra=ra, dec=dec,
tdb_met = mjd2met(tdb_mjd, 'ixpe')
Accelerating barycor

Frequency Search without Binary correction

Next, we perform a period search for the pulsar using the epoch_folding_search function in stingray.

What we demonstrate here is that the period found before applying the binary orbit correction is not the intrinsic period of the neutron star. The actual period differs from the modulated period found, due to the binary orbit modulation.

However, once we apply the binary orbit correction to the photons, the period found is indeed the intrinsic period of the neutron star.

from stingray.pulse.search import epoch_folding_search
period = 4.79660
nbin = 64
df_min = 1e-4
df = 1e-5
frequencies = np.arange(1/period - 1e-3, 1/period + 1e-3, df)

freq, efstat = epoch_folding_search(tdb_met, frequencies, nbin=nbin)
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 250
plt.plot(freq, efstat)
plt.axhline(nbin -1, ls='--', lw=3, color='k', label='n-1')
plt.axvline(1/period, lw=3, alpha=0.5, color='r', label='True frequency')
plt.axvline(freq[np.argmax(efstat)], lw=3, alpha=0.5, color='k', label='Observed frequency')
plt.xlabel("Freq (Hz)")
plt.ylabel("EF stat")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe6b5c66ed0>

Binary Correction

Next, we apply a binary orbit correction using two methods. One is the correction under extreme gravitational fields as described in Deeter’s paper, and the other is by solving Kepler’s equation to calculate the intrinsic emission time of the photons in the binary system.

Deeter correction

Correct the photon arrival times to the photon emission time Deeter model.

Reference: Deeter et al. 1981, ApJ, 247:1003-1012

from tatpulsar.pulse.binary import orbit_cor_deeter

Porb = 2.0869953 #day
axsini = 39.653 #light-sec
e = 0.0000
omega = 0.00 - np.pi/2
T_pi2 = 2455073.68504 - 2400000.5 #mjd
x_mid = 298
y_mid = 306

Tnod = T_pi2 + Porb/2 # mjd
tnod = mjd2met(Tnod, telescope='ixpe') #met

tdb_bicor = orbit_cor_deeter(tdb_met, Porb*86400, axsini, e, omega, tnod)

## EF search
period = 4.79660
nbin = 16
df_min = 1e-4
df = 1e-6
frequencies = np.arange(1/period- 1e-3, 1/period + 1e-3, df)
freq, efstat = epoch_folding_search(tdb_bicor, frequencies, nbin=nbin)

# Plotting
plt.plot(freq, efstat)
plt.axhline(nbin -1, ls='--', lw=3, color='k', label='n-1')
plt.axvline(1/period, lw=3, alpha=0.5, color='black', label='True frequency')
plt.axvline(freq[np.argmax(efstat)], lw=3, alpha=0.5, color='r', label='Observed frequency')
plt.xlabel("Freq (Hz)")
plt.ylabel("EF stat")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe6b73d4fd0>

Solving Kepler equation

from tatpulsar.pulse.binary import orbit_cor_kepler
Help on function orbit_cor_kepler in module tatpulsar.pulse.binary:

orbit_cor_kepler(time, Tw, ecc, Porb, omega, axsini, PdotOrb=0, omegadot=0, gamma=0)
    Corrects observed times of photons to their emission times
    based on the Kepler function for a binary system.

    time: float
        The time of observed photon in MJD
    Tw: float
        The periastron time in MJD
    ecc: float
    Porb: float
        Orbital period in second
    PdotOrb: float (optional)
        Second derivative of Orbital period in sec/sec default is 0
    omega: float
        Long. of periastron in radians.
    omegadot: float (optional)
        second derivative of Long. of periastron in rad/sec
    axsini: float
        projection of semi major axis in light-sec
    gamma: float

    t_em: float
        The emitting time of photon in binary system in MJD

    >>> observed_time = np.array([...]) # Time series in MJD
    >>> Tw = 54424.71               #Barycentric time (in MJD(TDB)) of periastron
    >>> e = 0.68                    #orbital eccentricity
    >>> Porb = 249.48 * 86400.      #Orbital period (s)
    >>> omega = -26. *np.pi/180.    #Longitude of periastron (radians)
    >>> axsin = 530.                 #Projected semi-major axis (light seconds)
    >>> Porb_dot = 0                #First derivative of Orbital period
    >>> binary_corrected_time = orbit_cor_kepler(observed_time

Porb = 2.0869953 #day
axsini = 39.653 #light-sec
e = 0.0000
omega = 0.00 - np.pi/2
T_pi2 = 2455073.68504 - 2400000.5 #mjd

T_periastron = T_pi2 + Porb/2 # mjd
t_periastron = mjd2met(Tnod, telescope='ixpe') #met

tdb_bicor_kepler = orbit_cor_kepler(met2mjd(tdb_met, 'ixpe'),
tdb_bicor_kepler = mjd2met(tdb_bicor_kepler, 'ixpe')
## EF search
period = 4.79660
nbin = 16
df_min = 1e-4
df = 1e-6
frequencies = np.arange(1/period- 1e-3, 1/period + 1e-3, df)
freq, efstat = epoch_folding_search(tdb_bicor_kepler, frequencies, nbin=nbin)

# Plotting
plt.plot(freq, efstat)
plt.axhline(nbin -1, ls='--', lw=3, color='k', label='n-1')
plt.axvline(1/period, lw=3, alpha=0.5, color='r', label='True frequency')
plt.axvline(freq[np.argmax(efstat)], lw=3, alpha=0.5, color='k', label='Observed frequency')
plt.xlabel("Freq (Hz)")
plt.ylabel("EF stat")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe6b6eb00d0>

Determining Binary Ephemeris

For those binary systems with no known binary ephemeris, several strategies can be employed to uncover the binary characteristics of the system. In this section, we’ll explore these methods using data from the X-ray binary 4U 1901+03 as an illustrative example on how to derive the binary solution.

Simulate Binary modulation

## Simulate the intrinsic frequency evolution of NS
mjd = np.linspace(58000, 59000, 100)
f0_fake = 0.362
f1_fake = 2.5e-11
f2_fake = 1.5e-18
dt = (mjd-mjd.min())*86400
freq_true = f0_fake + f1_fake*dt + (1/2)*f2_fake*dt**2
freq_err = np.ones(freq_true.size)*1e-6 # Hz/s

## Gaussian sampling from the Frequencies data set
freq = np.random.normal(loc=freq_true, scale=freq_err, size=freq_true.size)

plt.title("The Intrinsic Period of NS")
plt.errorbar(mjd, freq, yerr=freq_err, fmt='.', c='k')
plt.xlabel("Time (MJD)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (Hz)");
def intrinsic_freq(t, f0, f1, f2):
    t0 = t.min()
    dt = (t - t0)*86400
    f = f0 + f1*dt + 0.5*f2*(dt**2) #+ (1/6)*f3*(dt**3) + (1/24)*f4*(dt**4)
    return f

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
popt_infrq, pcov_infrq = curve_fit(intrinsic_freq,

from matplotlib import gridspec
def plot_dataresi(x, y, yerr,
                  xlabel="Time (MJD)",
                  ylabel="Freqency (Hz)",
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1)
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1, height_ratios=[2,1])
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax1)
    plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

    ax1.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='.', c='k')
    ax1.errorbar(x, model, c='r', label=legend)

    ax2.errorbar(x, (y-model)/freq_err,
                 yerr=1, fmt='.', c='k')
    ax2.axhline(y=0, c='r')
    ax2.set_xlabel("Time (MJD)")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
plot_dataresi(mjd, freq, freq_err,
              intrinsic_freq(mjd, *popt_infrq),
              xlabel="Time (MJD)", ylabel="Freqency (Hz)")
from tatpulsar.pulse.binary import freq_doppler

fake_axsini = 2000
fake_Porb   = 100 #days
fake_omega = 1.5*np.pi
fake_e = 0.05
fake_T_halfpi = 58540

print(f"The fake orbital parameters modulated on the intrinsic frequencies are:\n\n axsini={fake_axsini}\n Porb={fake_Porb} days\n omega={fake_omega}\n"+\
      f" e={fake_e}\n T_halfpi={fake_T_halfpi}\n"+\
      f" F0={f0_fake}, F1={f1_fake}, F2={f2_fake}")

f_dopp = freq_doppler(mjd2met(mjd, 'fermi'),

freq_obs = f_dopp + freq

plot_dataresi(mjd, freq_obs, freq_err,
              xlabel="Time (MJD)", ylabel="Freqency (Hz)", legend="NS intrinsic Frequency")
The fake orbital parameters modulated on the intrinsic frequencies are:

 Porb=100 days
 F0=0.362, F1=2.5e-11, F2=1.5e-18

Least Square Fitting

def wrapper_fun(t,
                f0, f1, f2,
                axsini, Porb, omega, e):
    dt = t-t.min()
    freq = f0 + f1*dt + (1/2)*f2*dt**2

    return freq_doppler(t, freq[0], axsini, Porb*86400, omega, e, fake_T_halfpi) + freq

popt, pcov = curve_fit(wrapper_fun, mjd2met(mjd, 'fermi'), freq_obs,
                       p0=[f0_fake, f1_fake, f2_fake,
                           fake_axsini, fake_Porb, fake_omega, fake_e])

plt.errorbar(mjd, wrapper_fun(mjd2met(mjd, 'fermi'), *popt) - freq_obs,
             yerr=freq_err, fmt='.', c='k')
plt.xlabel("Time (MJD");
def report_result(popt, pcov):
    perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
    par_name = ['F0', 'F1', 'F2', 'axsini', 'Porb', 'Omega', 'Eccentricity']
    for i in range(len(popt)):
        print(f"{par_name[i]}: {popt[i]} +- {perr[i]}")
report_result(popt, pcov)
F0: 0.3619999406313884 +- 3.3209695685669207e-07
F1: 2.4992247763193333e-11 +- 1.775394439010689e-14
F2: 1.5003531933140412e-18 +- 3.9764514319685076e-22
axsini: 2000.395060610975 +- 0.6074379363926161
Porb: 99.99995771438674 +- 7.31267183081882e-05
Omega: 4.709537609067158 +- 0.006136431597904715
Eccentricity: 0.04981853019176014 +- 0.00030180024800663245

Bayesian Approach (emcee)

The logrithmic Likelihood function is:

$:nbsphinx-math:ln\mathcal{L}`(:nbsphinx-math:theta | :nbsphinx-math:mathcal{D}`) = -\frac{1}{2} \sum `:nbsphinx-math:frac{(f_{rm{obs}} - f_{rm{model}})^2}{sigma^2}` $

parameters = ['F0', 'F1', 'F2', 'axsini', 'P_orb', 'omega', 'e']

 # Expect values:  axsini=2000
 # Porb=100 days
 # omega=4.71238898038469
 # e=0.45
 # T_halfpi=58540
 # F0=0.362, F1=2.5e-11, F2=1.5e-18

t = mjd2met(mjd, 'fermi')
data = freq_obs
err = freq_err

def log_likelihood(params, x, y ,yerr):
    f0, f1, f2, axsini, P_orb, omega, e = params

    P_orb = P_orb * 86400

    T_halfpi = mjd2met(58540, 'fermi')

    t0 = x.min()
    dt = x - t0

    f_spin = f0 + f1*dt + 0.5*f2*dt**2

    f_dopp = freq_doppler(x, f0, axsini, P_orb, omega, e, fake_T_halfpi)
    model = f_spin + f_dopp

    loglike = -0.5 * np.sum(((y - model)**2/(yerr**2)))
    return loglike

def log_prior(params):
    f0, f1, f2, axsini, P_orb, omega, e = params
    if 0.2 < f0 < 0.563 and 1e-13 < f1 < 6e-11 and 1e-20 < f2 < 6e-18 and 1000 < axsini < 3000 and 50 < P_orb < 150 and np.pi < omega < 3*np.pi and 0 < e < 1:
        return 0.0
    return -np.inf

def log_probability(params, x, y, yerr):
    lp = log_prior(params)
    if not np.isfinite(lp):
        return -np.inf
    return lp + log_likelihood(params, x, y, yerr)

from scipy.optimize import minimize
nll = lambda *args: -log_likelihood(*args)
initial = [f0_fake, f1_fake, f2_fake, fake_axsini, fake_Porb, fake_omega, fake_e]
soln = minimize(nll, initial, args=(t, data, err), method = 'Nelder-Mead')
nwalkers = 32
npars = len(initial)
pos = soln.x+ np.zeros((nwalkers, npars))

pos[:,0] = pos[:,0] + 1e-14 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
pos[:,1] = pos[:,1] + 1e-14 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
pos[:,2] = pos[:,2] + 1e-18 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
pos[:,3] = pos[:,3] + 1e-6 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
pos[:,4] = pos[:,4] + 1e-14 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
pos[:,5] = pos[:,5] + 1e-14 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
pos[:,6] = pos[:,6] + 1e-14 * np.random.randn(nwalkers)

# pos = soln.x + 1e-15 * np.random.randn(nwalkers, 7)
# print(pos[:,1])
nwalkers, ndim = pos.shape
import emcee

sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
    nwalkers, ndim, log_probability, args=(t, data, err)
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 5000, progress=True);
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [00:11<00:00, 417.70it/s]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(7, figsize=(10,7), sharex=True)
samples = sampler.get_chain()
for i in range(ndim):
    ax = axes[i]
    ax.plot(samples[:, :, i], "k")
    ax.set_xlim(0, len(samples))
    ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.1, 0.5)

axes[-1].set_xlabel("step number");
import corner

flat_samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=3000, thin=15, flat=True)
fig = corner.corner(
    flat_samples, labels=parameters, truths=[f0_fake, f1_fake, f2_fake, fake_axsini, fake_Porb, fake_omega, fake_e], color='b',
    quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], plot_datapoints=True,show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12})

Bayesian Approach (Nested sampling)

def log_likelihood_ns(params):
    f0, f1, f2, axsini, P_orb, omega, e = params
    P_orb = P_orb * 86400

    T_halfpi = mjd2met(58540, 'fermi')

    t0 = t.min()

    f_spin = f0 + f1*(t-t0) + 0.5*f2*(t-t0)**2
    f_dopp = freq_doppler(t, f0, axsini, P_orb, omega, e, fake_T_halfpi)

    model = f_spin + f_dopp
    loglike = -0.5* ((data - model)**2/err**2).sum()
    return loglike

def prior_transform(cube):
    # the argument, cube, consists of values from 0 to 1
    # we have to convert them to physical scales

    params = cube.copy()

    params[0] = cube[0] * 0.02 + 0.361
    params[1] = cube[1] * 5.0e-11 + 1.0e-11
    params[2] = cube[2] * 5e-18 + 1e-18

    # axsini
    params[3] = cube[3] * 2 + 1999

    # P_orb
    params[4] = cube[4] * 2 + 99

    params[5] = cube[5] * 2*np.pi + np.pi

    # e
    params[6] = cube[6]

    return params

from ultranest import ReactiveNestedSampler

sampler = ReactiveNestedSampler(parameters, log_likelihood_ns, prior_transform,
    wrapped_params=[False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
result = sampler.run(min_num_live_points=200, dKL=np.inf, min_ess=10)
[ultranest] Sampling 200 live points from prior ...
[ultranest] Explored until L=-6e+01  0 [-59.6800..-59.6798]*| it/evals=11223/136630 eff=8.2262% N=200    0    0   0   0      0
[ultranest] Likelihood function evaluations: 136950
[ultranest]   logZ = -111.1 +- 0.3497
[ultranest] Effective samples strategy satisfied (ESS = 1291.4, need >10)
[ultranest] Posterior uncertainty strategy is satisfied (KL: 0.45+-0.09 nat, need <inf nat)
[ultranest] Evidency uncertainty strategy wants 214 minimum live points (dlogz from 0.28 to 0.94, need <0.5)
[ultranest]   logZ error budget: single: 0.49 bs:0.35 tail:0.01 total:0.35 required:<0.50
[ultranest] Widening roots to 214 live points (have 200 already) ...
[ultranest] Sampling 14 live points from prior ...
Z=-111.1(98.93%) | Like=-59.68..-59.20 [-59.6797..-59.6784]*| it/evals=12003/149834 eff=6.0451% N=214   14   4   14 14   14
WARNING  (pint.logging                  ): Sampling from region seems inefficient (0/40 accepted in iteration 2500). To improve efficiency, modify the transformation so that the current live points are ellipsoidal, or use a stepsampler, or set frac_remain to a lower number (e.g., 0.5) to terminate earlier.
[ultranest] Explored until L=-6e+01  0 [-59.6673..-59.6638]*| it/evals=12020/161385 eff=3.2554% N=214
[ultranest] Likelihood function evaluations: 161385
[ultranest]   logZ = -111.1 +- 0.3096
[ultranest] Effective samples strategy satisfied (ESS = 1392.4, need >10)
[ultranest] Posterior uncertainty strategy is satisfied (KL: 0.46+-0.11 nat, need <inf nat)
[ultranest] Evidency uncertainty strategy wants 212 minimum live points (dlogz from 0.23 to 0.72, need <0.5)
[ultranest]   logZ error budget: single: 0.48 bs:0.31 tail:0.01 total:0.31 required:<0.50
[ultranest] done iterating.
import logging
import corner
def cornerplot(results, logger=None, **kwargs):
    """Make a corner plot with corner."""
    paramnames = results['paramnames']
    data = np.array(results['weighted_samples']['points'])
    weights = np.array(results['weighted_samples']['weights'])
    cumsumweights = np.cumsum(weights)

    mask = cumsumweights > 1e-4

    if mask.sum() == 1:
        if logger is not None:
            warn = 'Posterior is still concentrated in a single point:'
            for i, p in enumerate(paramnames):

                v = results['samples'][mask,i]
                warn += "\n" + '    %-20s: %s' % (p, v)
            logger.info('Try running longer.')
        # return

    # monkey patch to disable a useless warning
    oldfunc = logging.warning
    logging.warning = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
    if 'truths' in kwargs:
    corner.corner(data[mask,:], weights=weights[mask],
                  labels=paramnames, show_titles=True, quiet=True,
                  fontsize=20, title_fmt='.4f', title_kwargs={'fontsize':12},
                  quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
    logging.warning = oldfunc
cornerplot(result, truths=[f0_fake, f1_fake, f2_fake, fake_axsini, fake_Porb, fake_omega, fake_e])